- Pay the $100 enrollment verification/tuition deposit. (This deposit is separate from the orientation and housing fee.) Wait 24-48 hours for the payment to process before trying to register for orientation.
- Students can register for an orientation session online by going to PiratePort. You will need your Pirate ID and your password in order to register. This information can be found on your ECU Admissions Portal.
- If there is a particular session that is most convenient for you, please register as soon as possible
- After you have registered for orientation, you will receive a confirmation email to your ECU email address.
Please note: If you need to change the date of your orientation session, there is a $25 administrative fee that you will be charged.
New Student Orientation kickstarts your college experience! As an important first step, you should sign up for an orientation session now. This will secure your preferred date and allow you to receive your Registration PIN, a code that will allow you, beginning April 22nd, to register for classes.
Because New Student Orientation is so important, the fee for your session is included in your fall tuition bill. You won’t have to pay for your session when you sign up, but please note, that if you decide not to join us in Pirate Nation, you will be responsible for the orientation fee if you attended orientation.
Signing up for your orientation session now will NOT block you from adding guests or housing options to your orientation selection in the future. Those can be added up to 2 weeks before your orientation date.
Orientation operates on a self-sustained budget and must cover all expenses associated with providing an Orientation session for all incoming students and their family members. The student fee to attend a two-day orientation is $155. This price includes your ECU 1Card, all activities and program materials, three meals, evening snacks, parking, shuttles, facility usage and staffing. This fee is separate from your $100 enrollment verification fee.
Family members can attend orientation for $85 for the first family member, and $40 for each additional family member. These fees include all activities and program materials, two meals, reception, parking, shuttles facility usage, and staffing.
There is no fee for children under the age of 17 who attend the program. However, meals are not provided for them (although can be purchased at the dining hall during the program) and no child care is provided.
Students and family members who choose to stay on-campus will also need to pay an overnight housing fee. More information can be found under “Lodging.”
If you need to change the date of your orientation session, please email with your name, Banner #, date of session and date you wish to switch your session to. Please note that there is a $25 administrative fee to change your orientation session date.
If you or your family member are unable to attend an orientation session and would like to request a refund, you must send your request to with your name, Banner #, and the date of your session, and what refund you’re requesting (Ex: You registered for yourself and your mom to attend orientation, but mom can no longer come. You’ll request her registration fee be refunded).
Your request must sent 7 days before your scheduled orientation session. After that date, no refunds will be offered.
There are NO refunds available for the orientation housing fee.