Orientation Assistant Frequently Asked Questions

How many Orientation Assistants (OAs) do you hire?
We are planning to hire approximately thirty-one Orientation Assistants.  We expect some returning OAs from the previous year who will also be counted in the total number of OAs we hire.

Can I take a summer school class and work for orientation?
No, you wouldn’t have time! The Orientation program begins very early in the morning and extends late in the night, making it impossible for you to attend class on orientation days and therefore difficult for you to do well in class. Online courses may be considered but must be approved by the Orientation staff.

Do I have to live on campus during orientation?
Yes, you must live in the residence hall during orientation sessions and the night prior to an orientation session. You do not have to stay in the residence hall when orientation is not in session. 

Can I go home when there aren’t any orientation or training sessions?
OAs will be able to leave campus when orientation is not in session (i.e., weekends) except during training. OAs may be required to return to campus on Sunday to meet students arriving early or so that we can prepare for the following session. 

Will I be able to have an additional job if chosen as an OA?
Orientation can be very exhausting and it is recommended that you rest and relax during your time off rather than working. Some OAs do work second jobs; however, your other employer must be willing to work around orientation events and days. You must also be available to work on Sunday evenings and/or the night before the orientation session. Getting time off to work during orientation will not be possible. 

My family has planned a vacation for a week in June. Will I be able to get the time off to go?
Due to the limited time that we have to do orientation sessions throughout the summer, and the amount of planning and staff it takes to run a successful program, we cannot allow planned time off during orientation sessions for our staff members.